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TS SSC Biology – 2 and 4 Marks Practice Questions 2016

Posted by PAATASHAALANEWS on Monday 24 October 2016

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TS SSC Biology – 2 and 4 Marks Practice Questions 2016

Q. Which malnutrition disease effects if proteins are absent in your diet. State the disease characters.
A. 1. If proteins are absent in our diet it causes a disease known as Kwashiorkor.
2. Body parts become swollen due to accumulation of water in the intercellular spaces.
3. Very poor muscle development is seen.
4. Swollen legs, fluffy face, difficult to eat, diarrhoea, dry skin are the symptom of this disease.

Q. Plants photosynthesize during day time and respire during the night. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
A. 1. No, I do not agree with this statement.
2. Plants photosynthesize during day time only.
3. Plants respire during the day time as well as night time also.
4. The oxygen produced during photosynthesis is utilized for respiration.
5. During the night plants get oxygen from the atmosphere.

Q. Imagine what happens if diaphragm is not there in the body?
A. 1. During inhalation the diaphragm contracts and flattens increasing the volume of chest cavity.
2. During exhalation it relaxes decreasing the volume of chest cavity.
3. If diaphragm is not there in the body there will be no breathing movements.
4. So breathing stops.

Q. Why does the rate of breathing increases while uphill at a normal pace in the mountains? Give reasons.
A. 1. While uphill more energy is required to compensate required energy, the rate of respiration increases.
2. At higher levels the percentage of oxygen decreases. So to get more oxygen the rate of respiration increases.
3. Due to this, the rate of respiration increases while uphill at a normal pace in the mountains.

Q. What is root pressure? How can you say that it is useful to the plants?
A. 1. Root pressure in osmatic pressure within the cells of a root system that causes sap to rise through a plant stem to the leaves.
2. Root pressure develops due to the absorption of water by roots and pushes the water upwards by few meters and is enough to supply water to leaves in small plants and small trees.
3. This water is utilized for photosynthesis and other biological processes. The rest of the water will be released into atmosphere
through transpiration.

Q. To keep your kidneys healthy for long period, what questions will you ask a nephrologist / urologist?
A. I will ask him the following questions to keep my kidneys healthy.
a. What are the precautions to be taken to keep the kidneys healthy?
b. Is there any relation between food habits and functioning of kidneys?
c. How are stones formed in kidneys? How can I prevent them?
d. How much water is required daily to keep the kidneys healthy?

Q. Rohit said that "Nephrons are functional units of Kidneys". How will you support him?
A. I support Rohit's statement.
1. Each kidney is formed with approximately 1.3 to 1.8 million nephrons. Hence Nephrons are called functional units of kidney.
2. Nephron's chief function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances by filtering the blood. Hence nephrons are called functional units of kidneys.

Q. State whether the following actions are voluntary action, reflex action or conditioned reflex.
1. Blinking 2. Cleaning a table 3. Playing on the key board
4. Salivation when food is put in the mouth
5. We close our ears when we hear unbearable
A. 1. Reflex action 2. Voluntary action
3. Voluntary action 4. Involuntary action
5. Conditioned reflex

Q. If you visit a doctor what doubts would you like to get clarified about pancrease?
A. a. Where is pancreas located in the body?
b. Why is it called a mixed gland?
c. What is the role of pancreas?
d. What happens if the pancreas is removed
from the body?

Q. What difference will you find between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?
A. Autotrophic nutrition:
1. It means that the organism prepares its own food and it does not depend on any other organism.
2. Food is prepared from CO2, water and sunlight.
3. Green plants and certain bacteria have autotrophic mode of nutrition.
Heterotrophic nutrition:
1. It means that the organism does not prepare its own food and it depends on other organisms for food.
2. Food cannot be prepared from CO2, water and sunlight.
3. All the animals and fungi, most bacteria have heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

Practice Questions:
1. What gas is released during the process of photosynthesis? Which experiment would you conduct to prove it?
2. What experiment would you conduct to prove that heat is liberated during respiration?
3. What do you understand about cardiac cycle? Explain.
4. "Human excretory system is a wonderful mechanism". How do you support this comment?
5. Why is dialysis applied to some persons? Which principle is involved in dialysis?
6. How can you justify the enteric nervous system as the second brain of the gut?
7. Who will be responsible for sex determination in human? How do you justify? Explain with the help of a flow chart.
8. Write the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis.
9. What principles would you suggest to save environment?
10. What differences will you find between Aerobic respiration & Anaerobic respiration.
11. Prepare a flow chart to explain the process of sexual reproduction in plants.
12. Write about plant growth hormones and their uses.
13. What do you think that the requirements for photosynthesis? Write them in the form of equation.

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Blog, Updated at: October 24, 2016