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TS 10th Class Biology – Bit Bank@1 with Answers 2016

Posted by PAATASHAALANEWS on Monday 24 October 2016

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TS 10th Class Biology – Bit Bank with Answers 2016

1. Read the following statements.
a) Protein deficiency causes Kwashiorkor
b) Marasmus is caused only by calorie deficiency
A) a and b are true B) a - true, b - false
C) a - false, b - true D) a and b are false
2. If plant is kept in dark room .......... does not take place.
A) Respiration B) Reproduction
C) Photosynthesis D) Water transportation
3. The animal with trachea...
A) Earthworm B) Bony fish C) Butterfly D) Salamandar
4. The golden yellow coloured fluid left after the blood clotting...
A) Plasma B) Serum C) Lipid D) Lymph
5. The number of pairs of cranial nerves in man...
A) 31 B) 12 C) 43 D) 44
6. Deficiency of Folic acid causes....
A) Anaemia B) Pellagra C) Glossitis D) Rickets
7. Acid present in gastric juice....
A) Sulphuric acid B) Hydrochloric acid
C) Nitric acid D) Acetic acid
8. What is the reason for yellow colour of the urine?
A) Urochrome B) Bilirubin C) Biliverdin D) Chlorides
9. The gland associated with diabetes .......
A) Pancreas B) Thyroid C) Adrenal D) Pituitary
10. Vocal cords can be seen at ........
A) Trachea B) Larynx C) Nasal Cavity D) Pharynx
11. Animal in which malphigian tubules as excretory organs ........
A) Earthworm B) House fly C) Tapeworm D) Hen
12. The part in male reproductive system which produce sprem cells ......
A) Vas deference B) Testes C) Urinary bladder D) Scrotum
13. Gas that causes global warming ......
A) Oxygen B) Hydrogen C) CO2 D) Nitrogen
14. The part of the body which is called as second brain .........
A) Small intestine B) Large intestine C) Stomach D) Mouth
15. Sri Ramsagar project is on the following river ......
A) Krishna B) Yamuna C) Ganga D) Godavari
16. The chambers in human heart ........
A) 1 auricle,1 ventricle
B) 2 auricles,1 ventricle
C) 1 auricle, 3 ventricles
D) 2 auricles, 2 ventricle
17. If transpiration does not take place in plants the following does not take place...
A) Photosynthesis B) Respiration
C) Water transportation D) Reproduction
18. Plants with weak stem like cucumber and bitter guard show the response called.....
A) Phototropism B) Thigmotropism
C) Geotropism D) Chemotropism
19. Teeth which you use to tear sugarcane....
A) Incisors B) Canines C) Molars D) Premolars
20. Reverse Peristalsis occurs in the following...
A) Tiger B) Squirrel C) Cow D) Cat
21. Charles Darwin found variations in the animals of Galapagos Islands ........
A) Elephants B) Giraffee C) Rats D) Finch birds
22. Nonrenewable resource is ......
A) Water B) Solar energy C) Coal D) Soil
23. Exchange of gases during photosynthesis that take place in ........
A) Veins B) Sepals C) Stomata D) Xylem
24. Aphids extracts food material by penetrating their proboscis into ........
A) Xylem B) Phloem C) Medulla D) Cambium
25. Brain is protected by .....
A) Cranium B) Meninges C) A and B D) Cartilagenous Bone
26. Gas that damages Ozone layer ........
A) Carbon dioxide B) Oxygen C) Chlorofluoro carbons D) NO2
27. UNDP means ........
A) United Nations Development Plan
B) United Nations Development Programme
C) United Nations Drought Programme
D) United Nations Drop out Programme
28. Father of Genetics ........
A) Mendel B) Watson C) Lamarck D) Darwin
29. Example for Bio fuel ......
A) Coal B) Petroleum C) Jatropa D) Kerosene
30. Narsayya is suffering from diabetes. The hormone that deficit in him ........
A) Vasopressin B) Insulin C) Adrenalin D) Thyroxin
31. Food chain starts with ......
A) Producers B) Herbivores C) Carnivore D) None of them
32. The Connecting link between Reptiles and Aves ........
A) Dinosaur B) Archaeopteryx C) Salamander D) Siberian Crane
33. The saprophyte in the following .......
A) Yeast B) Mushroom C) Bread mold D) Cuscuta
34. Time takes for cardiac cycle ........
A) 0.5 Sec B) 0.4 Sec C) 0.8 Sec D) 0.6 Sec
35. Substance which is used as medicine for snake bite ........
A) Reserpine B) Quinine C) Morphine D) Cobalamin
36. Iodine is used for testing of ........
A) Glucose B) Light C) Starch D) CO2
37. The pulse rate in new born baby ........
A) 100 - 50 B) 90 - 140 C) 80 - 120 D) 70 - 130
38. DNA was invented in 1953 by ........
A) James Watson B) Francis Crick C) Mendel D) Watson & Crick
39. Part of the brain that stimulates hunger....
A) Medulla B) Diencephalon C) Cerebrum D) Mid Brain
40. Peristalic movements are seen in this part of alimentary canal ........
A) Oesophagus B) Stomach C) Small intestine D) All the above
41. The pH condition of saliva ........
A) Alkaline B) Acidic C) Neutral D) All above
42. The concept of Ecological Pyramid was first proposed by ........
A) Charles Elton B) Slobadkin C) Lindeman D) Steel
43. Sustainable Development means ......
A) Prevention of wastage
B) Stable growth
C) Development without damage
D) High yeilding in less time
44. In Latin "lymph" means ........
A) Blood B) Water C) Urine D) Plasma
45. Plants that adopted to grow on field bunds to make soil nitrogen - rich ........
A) Groundnut B) Bougainvillea C) Eucalyptus D) Gliricidia
46. Bolus is formed in ........
A) Mouth B) Oesophagus C) Stomach D) Liver
47. 97% of water on the earth is ........
A) Fresh water B) Ground water C) Sewage water D) Salt water
48. The following organism takes the food by parasitic nutrition ........
A) Yeast B) Mushrooms C) Cuscuta D) Leeches
49. In single celled animals the food is taken...
A) By the entire body surface B) Mouth C) Teeth D) Vacuoles
50. The digestive juice without enzyme is ....
A) Bile B) Gastric Juice C) Pancreatic Juice D) Saliva
51. Cluster of air sacs in lungs are .......
A) Alveoli B) Bronchi C) Bronchioles D) Air spaces
52. In the cell energy is stored in ......
A) Nucleus B) Mitochondria C) Ribosomes D) Cell wall
53. Mangrove trees respire with their ........
A) Lungs B) Stomata C) Aerial roots D) Leaves
54. The Vitamin synthesized by bacteria present in intestine ........
A) Folic Acid B) Niacin C) Cyanocobalammine D) Retinol
55. The finger like projections which increase the surface area in small intestine ........
A) Villi B) Alveolus C) Pancreas D) Epiglottis
56. The term cardiac refers to ........
A) Heart B) Veins C) Lymph D) Capillaries
57. The structures that control the flow of the blood ........
A) Arteries B) Veins C) Valves D) Capillaries
58. The structural and functional units of human kidney are ........
A) Neuron B) Nephron C) Nephridia D) Flame cell
59. Major component of waste in urine is .......
A) Urea B) Sodium C) Water D) Creatine
60. First kidney transplantation was performed by ........
A) Charles Hufnagel B) Charles Elton C) Charles Darwin D) Mendel

Answers : 1-B 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-B 6-A 7-B 8-A 9-A 10-B 11-B 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-D 16-D 17-C 18-B 19-B 20-C 21-D 22-C 23-C 24-B 25-C 26-C 27-B 28-A 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-B 33-C 34-C 35-A 36-C 37-A 38-D 39-B 40-D 41-A 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-D 46-A 47-D 48-C 49-A 50-A 51-A 52-B 53-C 54-C 55-A 56-A 57-C 58-B 59-A 60-A.

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Blog, Updated at: October 24, 2016


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